domingo, 30 de julio de 2017

I am being honest with us

it is not about you or me. It is about the lessons I am learning by sharing time with you. Thanks for being my mirror. 

I am learning from Saint Germain that Visualization empowers your vision. He says that we must talk about it when it is absolutely necessary and relevant, in that way you can focus the energy of your speech in listening your heart and intuition that can direct you to the actions that are necessary. Talk about the things is not going to make them happen. However planning, meditating and thinking about them will give you a better understanding of what is relevant to say and in what moment and how make the things happen. 

I feel is important to take time to study the role we are calling to our life. When we talk about something with full knowledge, is like being a rooted tree. Do we really know what we are talking about?  Research, discipline, dedication and perseverance will help us to be the action that inspires other to act. Lets learn and embrace new ancient knowledge with integrity.

Unconditional love do not demand or expects. We trust in our projects as a living force that is moving us from a space of deep connection with the source. We are calm and not attach to the results, we enjoy the journey. 

Being receptive is to embody the divine feminine. Awareness to what we are here to receive and to offer. Let's give space for us to receive and experience receptivity. We can talk about the femenine awakening thru our action. It is not necessary to talk about it, it is more important to live that awakening in our daily day. What it means to be a mother, a vessel...  Beyond the form, it is about the essence. Beyond the speech is about being fully present.

When i want to do things my way... without listening what the great mystery is offering me. When I push forward to make things happen the way I think they have to happen. I fall to realize that I have no control. That when I pray for being a pure and clear channel and for light being my guide. I enter in a state of surrender to be whatever it is necessary for me to experience.

Start a process requires a lot of energy and to honor that energy it is important to finish that process and be fully present from the beginning to the end.

Important for us to be aware of acting from a place of appearance, by pretending to be or to embody the way it is supposed to. Beyond of what it looks like, or what it's supposed to be, when we are calling the light, beauty and perfection of the being without honesty is an illusion. when we are not impeccable in our words, light will make us blind, then we can not see our shadow and the things we must transform to transcend separation.  

Performing is a sacred act of surrender. It is a call to be authentic instruments of spirit to move energy around us. Performing dance, music, prayer, ceremony has a deep purpose of connection with God. 

I feel it's important for me to say sometimes that I'm no joking, that I'm talking from deep inside and that I've been trying in so many ways to speak my truth about how it is important for me to create a real Alliance between us. I feel I am putting my energy in a lot of things and it is obvious that I can use some help. Thanks for your support. 

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