This is what I have been practicing. It is a mix of different ancestral teachings and my personal insights and intuition. This is what it makes sense for me and and what is working for me.
Basically it's about empowering ourselves from a process of self-checking. We can do this anytime, however for me works during the moon time because I feel is a moment where I am deeply connected with nature. During these days we are living a natural cycle and the insights that come when we open the space to really listen are aligned with intelligence of your womb.
As We Know every cell in our body is conscious and every cell carries a particular memory and a specific information that allows the cell to serve to the whole system of the body. During our menstruation we can feel our womb, sometimes it's painful, sometimes is subtle; however we have a physical experience of our womb. So, when we sit in silence to breath and feel our womb, the field of our mind will be connected with our physical experience of regeneration and our thoughts will be our instrument to know what really is going on with in.
So we're going to talk about this tree Fields where we can explore and expand our experience with the menstruation: 1. in the physical level, 2. in the emotional level and 3. in the mind level
1. In the physical level our blood carries valuable minerals for the earth; nutrients that can be used as a natural fertilizer for our plants. Simple and practical. One of my dear native friends from Sierra Nevada Santa Marta recommend me that to mixed the blood with water, for a better reception of the nutrients. When we offer our blood as fertilizer, we can just focus and think that we are giving nutrients to nature. Think about the minerals, vitamins that the earth is receiving, like when we fed a baby. Natural and Simple we are Nourishing the Earth. Feel the joy that you feel when you feed another person. that's it.
2. In the emotional level think about this: your womb is between 2 chakras: your sacro and your solar plexus, that means that is between the water element and the fire element. So, we can picture our womb as a hot pot of boiling water. When we start to conceive our womb in this way, we start to understand a lot of the recommendations of the elders. They say that it's really important during these days to keep yourself warm: not walking barefoot on cold weather or on cold surface, drink hot herbal tea, don't sit on the cold floor, keep your hips warm. They told me: while you are in your moon time, you are fire and when you are being fire you want to be warm and far from water.
For the natives of Sierra Nevada Santa Marta this is a moment of deep introspection, the woman do not take showers or enters to rivers or cooks for others. For them and other different cultures this is of moment of rest and stillness , it is a time for the men or the community to cook for the woman; during this time the native woman takes care of the fire and she stays inside, contemplating herself in darkness.
When we start to practice these principles in our lives everything makes so much sense, when a woman feels supported in these ways from the community, then, after her cycle is done, she can serve the community with love and kindness and she will have a lot of energy to sustain, nourish, care and embrace her family without feeling exhausted. She will be able to give and give and give with tender love and her emotional body will be balance because she gave the space for the auto-regulation of her waters (emotions).
Taking care of our emotions means taking care of our waters. Our water is our blood. To take care of ourselves during our menstruation time, it means to be honest with ourselves and stop our daily life and reflect, breath and be aware of our body, mind, emotion connection.
This practice with the time will provide you emotional intelligence. This means that you are going to be able to witness your emotions and flow thru them with ease instead of identify with them and be overwhelmed by them. This means that you are going to be able to be aware of your reactions, drama, complaining, victimize or other emotional storms. You are going to be able to cry, and flow with your emotions without any words, or thoughts to get identify with, your emotions will be authentic and you are going to be able to express them in a better way.