The Mhuysqa elders are making a call for “the culture of the new earth, a culture to be with the other, understanding that life is the experience in the community, because we were born as people, in a state of oneness with everything around” Jate Kulchavita.
We need to remember how to be people-people, nature-people. We need to know and remember how to live in a community. However, in order to accomplish harmonious relationships, for healthy communities, it is necessary to have the space for the nourishment of the self, create the space for “capturing silence” and allowing every being the possibility to do the “inner walk” that develops the inner coherence and self-realization, from this space we can be mature individuals, ready to be in a relationship without drama, moral, idealism, separation, conflict or judgement…
Now, while we work in ourselves, we also enter in relationships and that is the excuse for the individual to practice constantly the art of being. Relationships are ships to navigate our boat in the ocean of our partner’s presence, it is a way to bring compassion and acceptance to our daily life by practicing it. That’s why it is important to be constant in the practice of relationships, to be as a hunter, to be alert vigilant and observant of yourself while you are connecting with the other, remembering that you are hunting your own ego; because by hunting your own ego, you are allowing self.transformation happen.